gaming discussion linky
transmedia teachy resources (ideas & information to use and inspire)
- Hootsuite
- Digital Media Learning Central
- Google Analytics
- ReadWriteWeb
- Mashable
- TechCrunch (write articles using social media)
- TechMeme (create a magazine you curated)
- Nieman Journalism Lab
- Poynter Institute
- HubSpot
- New York Times Social Media
- Spreadable Media Blog
- Henry Jenkins Blog
- Howard Rheingold
- Pew Internet Research
Photoshop resources
- docta muhlhauser’s photoshop videos
- adobe photoshop tutorials
- use McDaniel’s access to “atomic learning” in the portal
Image Resources
- Images in the Public Domain
- Clker (public domain clip art)
- National Gallery of Art
- Internet Movie Archive
Citation Resources
Teaching Resources