smartening – 15%

Our class has spaces for responses to readings. These spaces are for shared discussion to smarten yourselves, ourselves, myselves throughout the semester; Our discussions on readings documents our thinking about class texts, where our thinking might be headed, and how a reading might inspire us. Smartening responses are due one hour before class. Please use examples, videos, visual images, infographics, sources from texts to support your ideas and show how you are engaging critically with the readings. Links to smartening questions and response space are posted on the class schedule.

For us, smartening “is a way to find your voice and public [audience], connect with like-minded communities, improve your digital profile, influence others, and contribute to the commons” (Rheingold). It’s a powerful tool for gettin’ your word out there and for learnin’ about other’s words. It’s a good way to learn about other perspectives and borrow those perspectives.

If a smartening response is done particularly well, raises important questions, has really cool examples or overall has a certain je ne sais quoi, I will give you extra credit. This is up to me though.

Smartening post requirements 

  • Each smartening must be at least *150* words.
  • Each smartening should make sense or not be written as disconnected ideas; it should show you thought about the reading critically.
  • Each smartening should quote or paraphrase part of the reading with an in-text citation.
  • If I ask a question, your post must address or answer the prompt. You may choose to reply to a peer, but your reply must be about the reading of the day.
  • If there is no posted question, then your post must respond to the readings critically and insightfully.
  • Your smartening must be free of spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes. ***I recommend you write your answer in word.doc and then copy/paste to the online discussion.***


Pass yay! (10)=Your smartening is thoughtful, critical, and uses readings to support or question ideas and/or readings. This response meets all the requirements

Pass ok. (7.5)=Your smartening is just a summary of a reading and isn’t very critical and/or it answers the question incompletely.

Fail (0)=Your smartening is incomplete, makes no sense, doesn’t seem to answer the question, or misses one of the requirements.

****There are scores that are in-betweens.