uteach 2.0oooey – 10%
The purpose of this task is twofold. First, you will practice your presentation skills by teaching the class about a social media platform using a reading on rhetoric and/or social media. Ya’ll are the teachers for this presentation. Second, you will practice using an app or social media platform you’ve never used before to help you present your work. Why are you doing this you might wonder? Well, it ain’t because I’m lazy. By teaching the class you will be doing a number of things that’ll help you in the future. You’ll be improving your oral presentaton skills, your critical thinking skills, and your organization skills. You’ll also be upping your app or social media savvy by learning the affordances and constraints of a new software.
Here is what you are supposed to do:
a. Find a social media platform you’ve never heard of or used before, play with it, critique it, apply concepts from previous classes, and at least two concepts from the reading of the day (which you will select) to your analysis.
b. Find an article focused on rhetoric and/or communication and digital technologies you’d like to teach the class about. Your article should be substantial (at least 1250 words). You can use Hoover library to locate a peer reviewed article or a chapter from a book. Or you can find an article from The Atlantic, The New York Times, Harlot: A Revealing Look at the Arts of Persuasion, TedTalks, Salon, Wired, Mother Jones, or The Chronicle of Higher Ed.
c. Explain what it’s good for and what it’s bad for. Think about its affordances and constraints.
d. Have a smart activity for us to perform using the platform that capitalizes on a strength.
You have to meet with me the Monday or Wednesday prior to the presentation with an outline.
lesson plan – 100 homework points
Click this link to access the lesson plan. You’ll need to clean up the word document so it is designed clearly without all my instructions.
Lesson plan assessment
A – your plan is critical and thoughtful. Follows directions and meets requirements. If called for, it cites and/or summarizes the text in order to support points, and illustrates a clear grasp of the topic at hand. No grammar, punctuation, or spelling problems unless done for effect. Your plan makes sense and is easy to follow/understandable.
B – your plan lacks some level of critical engagement. If called for, it cites and/or summarizes the text to some degree, but a clear grasp of the topic is not fully illustrated and/or one of the requirments is not performed correctly. May have grammar, punctuation, or spelling problems. Your plan is not as easy to follow as an “A.”
C – your plan lacks critical engagement with text, and uses little to no support. Illustrates little understanding of the text, the initial response, and/or one or more of the requirments is not met. Many grammar, punctuation, or spelling problems. Your plan is confusing or feels incomplete.
D – your plan indicates some level of awareness of topic at hand, but very minimally and/or one or more of the requirments is not met. Many grammar, punctuation, or spelling problems.
F – your plan indicates zero level of awareness of topic at hand and/or one or more of the requirments is not met. Your plan makes me ask a question: Huh?
formal presentation (10%)
- This presentation will be given in groups of two. The whole presentation should take between 40-60 minutes.
- You and your partner should share speaking roles equally.
- Your teaching should have a clear thesis.
- Your teaching should be more than a summary. It must sumamrize and critique the reading. In other words, it should explain and
criticize the reading. Assume readers have read the text. You may use tweets to get a pulse on what people are wondering about. - You must seamlessly incorporate an app or social media platform we are not using in class (besides Facebook) to illustrate and/or
explain something in your presentation. - Your presentation must have an activity for students to perform.
I will be judging you on the following criteria:
- How do the presenters carry themselves in front of the audience? (voice, posture, gesture, eye contact)
- Are they prepared?
- Is there an even distribution of communication?
- Do they use technology well?
- What information does the presenter share with the audience? (background, specific examples, source attribution)
image aids
- How do the presenters’ image aids contribute to his/her presentation? (quality, use, purpose)
- Does their activity and/or discussion contribute to audience’s understanding?
- How does the presenter organize his/her presentation? (introduction, conclusion, logical movement from one point to another)
You’ll be evaluated using this rubric->RUBRIC (coming soon)