published projects
These are the projects I’ve published. Click an image to check it out.
Trolling the Audience

Co-authored with a couple McD students (Sera McClintock and Gianna D’Avella). We got expert on the “Bandersnatch” episode of Black Mirror with our chapter in this book.
Role of Visual Rhetoric

Just gotta sweet chapter on my expertise–VISUAL RHETORIC–in this textbook. And you know me. Even though it is a textbook chapter, you are gonna laugh!
What’s Your Jock Support?

Co-authored with a lotta students. A database for learning about sports, politics and getting to know who you’re cheering for
Imagining Rhetorical Equity

Co-authored with Hannah Krauss (a McD alum) and Jenna Sheffield we preach in words and video on ways to make communication more equitable.
Un-Rapunzeling Communication

Co-authored with Tara Salvati (a McD alum) with a rap by Mabel Buchanan and Created a way to be more rhetorically equitable and practice un-rapunzeling communication. WORD!
Technophobia in Bird Box

Co-authored with Marya Kuratova (a McD alum). and Rachel Reitz. Wuz fun lookin’ at Bird Box and A Quiet Place and how they present technophobia AND disability.
Grilling Meataphors

Co-authored with Marie Drews and Rachel Reitz. Had fun examining the culture and rhetoric of plant-based meats, meataphors. Includes some ghostface killah, rza, & gza. This is one of my fav articles.
When Enough Isn’t Enough

Co-authored with Jenna Pack Sheffield. Got a chapter called “When Enough isn’t Enough” published that studies tenure-track scholar perceptions, fears, and confidences on the tenure process. Noice, huh?
Tweeting Inequity

Co-authored with Daniel Schafer. Got a chapter called “Tweeting Inequity: @realDonaldTrump and the World Leader Exception” published in this collection. We might just make a difference in the world here.
“Believing” in Feminism

Co-authored with Jedidiah Fowler and Daniel Schafer. ” It’s about problems with Tom Haverford’s character in Parks and Recreation and strange feminism in the show Published in Women and Language.
Goldiloxxing Participation

Co-authored with Kelly Bradbury. “Goldiloxxing Participation” is about problems with interpreting what counts as “good” student participation. Kinda helped me see how biased towards extroverts classrooms are.
Technofeminism and Swipe Right

Co-authored with Maggy Self. It’s on technofeminism & comes in three versions. One lets you swipe on theorists. One has remixes and can’t be read same way twice. One is a boring journal article.

We have a chapter in this volume about our teaching POOCiness. That’s all I got. – co-authored with Daniel Schafer.
How to POOC

POOC assignments enable students to step in and out of different economies that interact in a post-truthy world: the attention, information, reputation, & trust economy. – co-authored with Daniel Schafer.
Aporigothic in Twin Peaks

Published in The Journal of Popular Culture, the article describes the ways Twin Peaks uniquely created and engaged with awkward situations, which we call Gothic awkwardness. co-authored with Robert Kachur.
AI & Zombiez Lvz

Through an analysis of the films Warm Bodies and Her, we argue zombie romances present an alternative reality, devoid of the cyber connectedness of the modern age. – co-authored with Jack Arnal.
May the #Kairos be w/Ya

This piece on kairos comes in three versions: academic essay, infographic, and a toggle. Included are a lot of star wars references – co-authored with Cate Blouke and Daniel Schafer.
Farts and Rhetoric

Webtext explores material rhetorics, flatulence, and how it is presented in Beano commercials. co-authored with Daniel Schafer.
Pleased to Tweet You

Webtext examines the performance and ethics of live tweeting at conferences. It has a really sweet design and was co-authored with Cate Blouke (me designer).
Readymade Rhetoric

Sabout the debate in rhetoric and composition circles about whether to teach code or to not teach code. It argues for a “love the one you’re with” pedagogy – co-authored with Robert Kachur.

This ***award-winning webtext*** describes an argument on Twitter featuring Anita Sarkeesian and Black Widow.– co-author Daniel Schafer.
Moooving Images & Slideshow Rhet.

Sweet design and fun argument. The piece showcases strategies of representation for representing race, gender, and occupation. – co-author Kelly Bradbury.
Like me, Like me not

The webtext puts “Like” button through the rhetorical wringer and shows how it means something but not a lot. Or a lot when it doesn’t mean much. Co-authored with Andrea Campbell.
Rhetoric & Special Journal Issuez

Me, Kelly Bradbury, and Envera Dukaj take a look at the rhetoric of family, feminism, and the affordances of special issues for journals in academics. I mean to completely brag: it’s smart.
Rhetoric of Family Special Issue

Here’s a special issue we (Kelly Bradbury and me) were special guest editors for. It’s on the rhetoric of family.
Eggz, Spermz, Rhetoric.

Webtext comes from my dissertation on the rhetoric of family and their representations in sperm and egg donor company websites. Enjoy!