webbing nominee – 30%

You and your partner will complete your nomination by creating a website that contains all your supporting documents. The website should include the poster and the video you created along with letters of recommendation you have gotten from professors, students, librarians, and/or other appropriate supporters of your nominee.

Your nomination website should contain the following items and include context that sets up the links – describes where they go.

  • an introductory section or page explaining the purpose of the website, what it contains, and highlights what has been said about the nominee as it relates to the criteria (900-1200 words).
  • the documents you have collected supporting the nominee (at least five letters written by different people/groups ***this number includes letters from you), put into web form and designed well.
  • visual imagery that supports the nominee and works with the text.
  • includes your video.
  • a conclusion summarizing what the readers should understand about the nominee and why he/she/ze is a THE choice for the award (600-700 words).
  • works cited for visual imagery and anything else that needs citation.

what you will get out of the task

  • An upping of your digital knowledge of Photoshop and Adobe Spark.
  • An upping of your design skills and construction a professional website.

The introduction and conclusion on your website must have main points and theses, which supports your nominee and explains what one will find in the document. The introduction and conclusion should have a beginning, support, and an end. The introduction and conclusion can be written in first-person but must be written using a consistent tone that fits with your style and be free from grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.

It must be well designed and utilize CCRAPEO, chunking, queuing, filtering, visual weight, and wayfinding appropriately.

Webbing nominee rubric