filming nominee – 25%

For this task, you are tasked with making a promotional video using interviews with McDaniel students and professors who support your nominee. **Remember** use the Ira G. Zepp Teaching Award criteria to guide your work. As always you must be purposeful in both your design and content when completing this task. Be rhetorical!

the video (15%)

You or you and your partner need to make a 2-4 minute video about the nominee you selected. Your video should be professionally designed, well-organized, and have good production value. This means your video must have a clear beginning, middle, and end. It must use thoughtful, engaging, and clear (non-pixelated) visual imagery. Your audio should be clear and USE tripods so your video is stable.

***You should have at least two letters of recommendation from students and/or professors by this time.

what you will get out of the task

  • An upping of your digital knowledge of Photoshop and Adobe Spark Videos. ***We may switch to iMove, depending on how Spark handles the video.
  • An upping of your design skills filming, and creating an organized and truthful promotional video using interviews and visual evidence.

task constraints

  • Your video should use Adobe Spark ->”Video”->”Start from scratch” or iMovie new project (no templates)
  • Your video should include an animation video intro you created using Adobe Photoshop.  ****Any graphics you create in Photoshop should be 1600 px wide X 900px height.****
  • Your video can only use between 600-700 words.
  • Your video must use pictures and video from approved visual image and video galleries or pictures or videos you’ve taken.
  • Your video use approved audio resources – resources that are in the public domain or that you have researched and found out can be used.
  • Your video must be between 2-4 minutes long.
  • Your video must have a works cited portion for interviews, video, pictures, and audio in the credits.

You’ll be evaluated using this rubric – coming soon.

the analysis (10%)

Once you are finished with your video, EACH of you will write a short analysis (between 1000-1250 words) using FOUR sources from class readings that explains the decisions you made in making your video and its purpose. This analysis asks you to examine what you created rhetorically and describe the moves you made in constructing the video. You know, why did you use that filter? Why that word instead of that word? Or how did you use a symbol here and there? Your analysis helps you become more active and aware in the learning process, focusing on not only what you have learned, but also on how you learned it.

You do not need to answer all these questions. Only use them to guide your analysis.

  • What is your purpose and how is it connected to your design?
  • How did you negotiate the constraints of the task?
  • How do you want an audience to interpret your video?
  • Who is your audience?
  • Why the heck do you think your video is successful?
  • What effect/s do you think the design will have on readers/viewers and why?
  • How did your design utilize ethos/pathos/logos?

analysis expectations

Your analysis must have a main point or thesis that provides an overall argument about your design for Hashawha. Your analysis should be organized with a clear beginning, support, and conclusion. Your analysis may use first-person but must be written in a formal tone and be free from grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.


You’ll be evaluated using this rubric: Analysis Rubric